Modules and Applications for Increasing School Success of Students with the Innovative Digital School Model

About Project

Project Name	    : Modules and Applications for Increasing School Success of Students with the Innovative Digital School Model
Project Number		: 2020-1-TR01-KA226-SCH-097822
Main objective of the Project: Exchange of Good Practices
Project Acronym		: DIGI-SCHOOL
Project Start Date		: 2021-06-01
Project Total Duration	: 24 months
Project End Date		: 2023-05-31
National Agency of the Applicant Organisation :Tr01 The Centre For European Union Education And Youth Programmes (Turkısh Natıonal Agency)
Project Partners		:
Necmettin Erbakan University (Coordinator) - Turkiye
Düzce University - Turkiye
Bakırçay University - Turkiye
Dezavantajli Gruplari Anlama ve Sosyal Destek Dernegi (DEGDER) - Turkiye
Mecidiye İlkokulu - Turkiye
Spolupracou pre lepsiu buducnost - Velky Meder - Slovakia
Objectives of the Project	:
1. Support and development of cross-sectoral international cooperation among universities, schools and counseling and educational 
services for adults, creation of virtual partner networks
2. Developing teachers' digital competencies in accordance with the requirements of today's constantly changing period
3. Increase the use of digital technology in primary schools with adequate teaching and learning materials to be able to improve 
students' learning potentials.
4. Support lifelong learning of teachers
Project Goals			:
One of the goals of the project is: developing teachers' digital competencies in accordance with the requirements of today's 
constantly changing period. Digital competence is one of the eight key competences of lifelong learning.
It is a field that is changing and extending constantly, and it is already more complex than the mere ICT sciences. 
Learning digital technologies, their self-confident, responsible use based on critical way of thinking and the commitment 
related to it are parts of acquisition of digital competence. 
It includes the skill of information and data management, communication and cooperation, media awareness, network etiquette and 
source criticism. Furthermore, it includes the preparation of digital    

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